I had this idea for my daughter to create some art to hang in her room. She loved the idea and insisted that one of the paintings had to be Starry Night, by Van Gogh, her favorite painting. I thought that was a great idea and suggested that she recreate different paintings of Van Gogh. I tried to let her to the bulk of the work and then I would go in and add the detail. We had a lot of fun doing this. We still have some paintings to complete, and we can't wait to hang them up!
She, of course, had to take a little artistic licence.

Sometimes because she said she liked her own design better.

And sometimes because she forgot what the original painting looked like!

This painting still has some details to add.

And this one is our masterpiece. This is the first one we finished and by far the best! Both my daughter and I were amazed with how well it turned out.

This was a great project to do together and we are both excited to do some more!