You would think with all the amazing trees gracing the pages of blogs and magazines that it would be impossible to have a favorite. There are many that incites sighs and just a touch of envy. But I have to say that none of them quite top this tree I tucked away years ago in my tear sheets. I just love it. I can't even say why, exactly. It's just so full. Full of color, full of life, and full of love. You can tell that someone put a lot of time and love into this tree. It seems to find it's perfection in the lack of it. If that makes sense. There's a kind of haphazard, carefree-ness that appeals to me. This is my dream tree, the one I hope will find residence in my family room one day.

I'm lucky to have three trees - all given by various friends and family. A silver, gold and white one in my living room, our family tree in the family room, and the kids' tree in their playroom. I was going to take pictures, but due to my baby's curious fingers my trees are all naked from the waist down. So maybe next year.
May you all have a wonderful holiday, filled with family, friends, food, and a little faith. And none of the flu that is making it's way - one by one - through my family!
See you next year!