Years and years ago, back when I was a poor young mom of one, I hot glued some felt to cardboard to make a felt board for my daughter. For the last couple of years it has been folded up in a closet, forgotten.
I decided it was time to bring it out of the darkness and give it new life.

This glassless frame my MIL was getting rid of was the perfect size. I painted it white and preceded to create my felt board.

Using the cardboard from my original project I cut the cardboard to fit as a backing for the frame. You'll want to cut this exact to just a hair bigger than the fram to insure a tight fit.

Next I took my exisiting felt and cut out a piece to fit my frame. I like to use chalk to trace on fabric since it rubs off easily. I then hot glued the felt directly to the cardboard. I figured this hot with a lot of trial and error. I kept trying different ways to ahdere it to the frame (glue, staples), but couldn't get the felt pulled tight enough. It stretches. I realized that if I just glued it to the cardboard it would work fine!

I made the mistake of thinking I needed new green felt. I should have just used the already glued together pieces I had because then I wouldn't have made this mistake:

See the lump? I forgot to have my blue piece cover the entire back ground and then lay my green piece on top of it. Instead I overlapped them which created a bulge. I didn't notice it until it was too late to undo it. Oh well - live and learn, right?!
I decided to use green ric rac to give the green a more "grassy look."

It turned out really cute and my girls are having a lot of fun with it. It's now mounted on my playroom wall, but I still need to paint over the nail holes.
This project inspired me to create some travel size felt boards I'll share with you later!